Add profile photo option for user
I am trying to add profile photo options for the user, but I am having problems storing the photos on upload.
My uploadImages function inside CustomerRepository:public function uploadImages($data) { $customer = $this->find(auth()->guard('customer')->id()); $type = "profile_photo"; if (isset($data[$type])) { foreach ($data[$type] as $imageId => $image) { $file = $type . '.' . $imageId; $dir = 'customer/' . $customer->id; if (request()->hasFile($file)) { if ($customer->{$type}) { Storage::delete($customer->{$type}); } $customer->{$type} = request()->file($file)->store($dir); $customer->save(); } } } else { if ($customer->{$type}) { Storage::delete($customer->{$type}); } $customer->{$type} = null; $customer->save(); } }
The code skips
because it returns false.
I call the upload function from CustomerController@upload like so:$this->customerRepository->uploadImages($data);
The input on edit.blade.php is like so:
<div slot="body"> <div class="control-group"> <label>プロファイルイメージ <image-wrapper :button-label="'写真を入れる'" input-name="profile_photo" :multiple="false" :images='"{{ $customer->lprofile_photo}}"'></image-wrapper> </div> </div>
I also changed other parts, but I don't think they should have any impact.
This is a sample output I get from$data["profile_photo"]
array ( 'image_1' => 'store_vertical.svg', ),
Which I think is missing some stuff?
Also I tried to add the image to validation, but it does not pass.$this->validate(request(), [ 'profile_photo' => 'image', ]);
The code does not give any errors, and since I am still new to most things, I cannot understand what parts I'm supposed to change.
This feature is already implemented in the master version.
Thank you so much for the reply!
I didn't know the feature was added.
Unfortunately we had to customise a lot of stuff and ended up changing a bunch of things directly in the Webkul folder, so merging the main branch directly would prove to be a problem.I tried copying from the following files from the master version:
src/packages/Webkul/Velocity/src/Resources/views/shop/customers/account/profile/edit.blade.phpBut I think I am missing something, could you help me out?
new empty image column:
No errors pop up but the image is not saved and the url is not either.
random string in the "image" column:
error: Class 'Webkul\Customer\Repositories\Storage' not foundThanks again!
I found the pull request for it!
It is now working, thanks again!