Shop optimization
Hi, my website is loading super hard and I can't find the exact reason why.
As products I have 8000 but the first page loads them the hardest.
On the first page I have only two categories of products.
I saw that in ProductRepository this query does everything.
How can I optimize it?/** * @param int $categoryId * * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection */ public function getAll($categoryId = null) { $params = request()->input(); if (core()->getConfigData('catalog.products.storefront.products_per_page')) { $pages = explode(',', core()->getConfigData('catalog.products.storefront.products_per_page')); $perPage = isset($params['limit']) ? (! empty($params['limit']) ? $params['limit'] : 40) : current($pages); } else { $perPage = isset($params['limit']) && ! empty($params['limit']) ? $params['limit'] : 40; } $page = Paginator::resolveCurrentPage('page'); $repository = app(ProductFlatRepository::class)->scopeQuery(function ($query) use ($params, $categoryId) { $channel = request()->get('channel') ?: (core()->getCurrentChannelCode() ?: core()->getDefaultChannelCode()); $locale = request()->get('locale') ?: app()->getLocale(); $qb = $query->distinct() ->select('product_flat.*') ->join('product_flat as variants', '', '=', DB::raw('COALESCE(' . DB::getTablePrefix() . 'variants.parent_id, ' . DB::getTablePrefix() . '')) ->leftJoin('product_categories', 'product_categories.product_id', '=', 'product_flat.product_id') ->leftJoin('product_attribute_values', 'product_attribute_values.product_id', '=', 'variants.product_id') ->where('', $channel) ->where('product_flat.locale', $locale) ->whereNotNull('product_flat.url_key'); if ($categoryId) { $qb->where('product_categories.category_id', $categoryId); } if (is_null(request()->input('status'))) { $qb->where('product_flat.status', 1); } if (is_null(request()->input('visible_individually'))) { $qb->where('product_flat.visible_individually', 1); } if (isset($params['search'])) { $qb->where('', 'like', '%' . urldecode($params['search']) . '%'); } /* added for api as per the documentation */ if (isset($params['name'])) { $qb->where('', 'like', '%' . urldecode($params['name']) . '%'); } /* added for api as per the documentation */ if (isset($params['url_key'])) { $qb->where('product_flat.url_key', 'like', '%' . urldecode($params['url_key']) . '%'); } # sort direction $orderDirection = 'asc'; if (isset($params['order']) && in_array($params['order'], ['desc', 'asc'])) { $orderDirection = $params['order']; } else { $sortOptions = $this->getDefaultSortByOption(); $orderDirection = ! empty($sortOptions) ? $sortOptions[1] : 'asc'; } if (isset($params['sort'])) { $this->checkSortAttributeAndGenerateQuery($qb, $params['sort'], $orderDirection); } else { $sortOptions = $this->getDefaultSortByOption(); if (! empty($sortOptions)) { $this->checkSortAttributeAndGenerateQuery($qb, $sortOptions[0], $orderDirection); } } if ($priceFilter = request('price')) { $priceRange = explode(',', $priceFilter); if (count($priceRange) > 0) { $qb->where('variants.min_price', '>=', core()->convertToBasePrice($priceRange[0])); $qb->where('variants.min_price', '<=', core()->convertToBasePrice(end($priceRange))); } } $attributeFilters = $this->attributeRepository ->getProductDefaultAttributes(array_keys( request()->except(['price']) )); if (count($attributeFilters) > 0) { $qb->where(function ($filterQuery) use ($attributeFilters) { foreach ($attributeFilters as $attribute) { $filterQuery->orWhere(function ($attributeQuery) use ($attribute) { $column = DB::getTablePrefix() . 'product_attribute_values.' . ProductAttributeValueProxy::modelClass()::$attributeTypeFields[$attribute->type]; $filterInputValues = explode(',', request()->get($attribute->code)); # define the attribute we are filtering $attributeQuery = $attributeQuery->where('product_attribute_values.attribute_id', $attribute->id); # apply the filter values to the correct column for this type of attribute. if ($attribute->type != 'price') { $attributeQuery->where(function ($attributeValueQuery) use ($column, $filterInputValues) { foreach ($filterInputValues as $filterValue) { if (! is_numeric($filterValue)) { continue; } $attributeValueQuery->orWhereRaw("find_in_set(?, {$column})", [$filterValue]); } }); } else { $attributeQuery->where($column, '>=', core()->convertToBasePrice(current($filterInputValues))) ->where($column, '<=', core()->convertToBasePrice(end($filterInputValues))); } }); } }); # this is key! if a product has been filtered down to the same number of attributes that we filtered on, # we know that it has matched all of the requested filters. $qb->groupBy(''); $qb->havingRaw('COUNT(*) = ' . count($attributeFilters)); } return $qb->groupBy(''); }); # apply scope query so we can fetch the raw sql and perform a count $repository->applyScope(); $countQuery = "select count(*) as aggregate from ({$repository->model->toSql()}) c"; $count = collect(DB::select($countQuery, $repository->model->getBindings()))->pluck('aggregate')->first(); if ($count > 0) { $randomPage = false; if(isset($params['random'])) { $randomPage = rand(1, intval(ceil($count / $perPage))); } # apply a new scope query to limit results to one page $repository->scopeQuery(function ($query) use ($page, $perPage, $randomPage) { if($randomPage) { $page = $randomPage; } return $query->forPage($page, $perPage); }); # manually build the paginator $items = $repository->get(); } else { $items = []; } $results = new LengthAwarePaginator($items, $count, $perPage, $page, [ 'path' => request()->url(), 'query' => request()->query(), ]); return $results; }
Issue not present here. The issue is due to the