How to disable onhover image zoom in mobile design?
It is causing problem. It's preventing scroll.
@rahul, Can you please take a look.
We have disabled image zoom in mobile design, Kindly take pull from master branch.
I have download it from
I downloaded it form master branch. Where is disabled code located?
Find 'gallery.blade.php' file is shop package's view, there is code for disabling zoom.
if ($(window).width() > 580) { $('img#pro-img').data('zoom-image', image.original_image_url).ezPlus(); } and if ($(window).width() > 580) { $('img#pro-img').data('zoom-image', $('img#pro-img').data('image')).ezPlus(); }
This is my gallery.blade.php
@inject ('productImageHelper', 'Webkul\Product\Helpers\ProductImage') <?php $images = $productImageHelper->getGalleryImages($product); ?> {!! view_render_event('', ['product' => $product]) !!} <div class="product-image-group"> <div class="cp-spinner cp-round" id="loader"> </div> <product-gallery></product-gallery> @include ('shop::products.view.product-add') </div> {!! view_render_event('', ['product' => $product]) !!} @push('scripts') <script type="text/x-template" id="product-gallery-template"> <div> <ul class="thumb-list"> <li class="gallery-control top" @click="moveThumbs('top')" v-if="(thumbs.length > 4) && this.is_move.up"> <span class="overlay"></span> <i class="icon arrow-up-white-icon"></i> </li> <li class="thumb-frame" v-for='(thumb, index) in thumbs' @mouseover="changeImage(thumb)" :class="[thumb.large_image_url == currentLargeImageUrl ? 'active' : '']" id="thumb-frame"> <img :src="thumb.small_image_url"/> </li> <li class="gallery-control bottom" @click="moveThumbs('bottom')" v-if="(thumbs.length > 4) && this.is_move.down"> <span class="overlay"></span> <i class="icon arrow-down-white-icon"></i> </li> </ul> <div class="product-hero-image" id="product-hero-image"> <img :src="currentLargeImageUrl" id="pro-img" :data-image="currentOriginalImageUrl"/> @auth('customer') <a class="add-to-wishlist" href="{{ route('customer.wishlist.add', $product->product_id) }}"> </a> @endauth </div> </div> </script> <script> var galleryImages = @json($images); Vue.component('product-gallery', { template: '#product-gallery-template', data: function() { return { images: galleryImages, thumbs: [], currentLargeImageUrl: '', currentOriginalImageUrl: '', counter: { up: 0, down: 0, }, is_move: { up: true, down: true, } } }, watch: { 'images': function(newVal, oldVal) { this.changeImage(this.images[0]) this.prepareThumbs() } }, created: function() { this.changeImage(this.images[0]) this.prepareThumbs() }, methods: { prepareThumbs: function() { var this_this = this; this_this.thumbs = []; this.images.forEach(function(image) { this_this.thumbs.push(image); }); }, changeImage: function(image) { this.currentLargeImageUrl = image.large_image_url; this.currentOriginalImageUrl = image.original_image_url; $('img#pro-img').data('zoom-image', image.original_image_url).ezPlus(); }, moveThumbs: function(direction) { let len = this.thumbs.length; if (direction === "top") { const moveThumb = this.thumbs.splice(len - 1, 1); this.thumbs = [moveThumb[0]].concat((this.thumbs)); this.counter.up = this.counter.up+1; this.counter.down = this.counter.down-1; } else { const moveThumb = this.thumbs.splice(0, 1); this.thumbs = [].concat((this.thumbs), [moveThumb[0]]); this.counter.down = this.counter.down+1; this.counter.up = this.counter.up-1; } if ((len-4) == this.counter.down) { this.is_move.down = false; } else { this.is_move.down = true; } if ((len-4) == this.counter.up) { this.is_move.up = false; } else { this.is_move.up = true; } }, } }); </script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $('img#pro-img').data('zoom-image', $('img#pro-img').data('image')).ezPlus(); $(document).mousemove(function(event) { if ($('.add-to-wishlist').length) { if (event.pageX > $('.add-to-wishlist').offset().left && event.pageX < $('.add-to-wishlist').offset().left+32 && event.pageY > $('.add-to-wishlist').offset().top && event.pageY < $('.add-to-wishlist').offset().top+32) { $(".zoomContainer").addClass("show-wishlist"); } else { $(".zoomContainer").removeClass("show-wishlist"); } }; if ($("body").hasClass("rtl")) { $(".zoomWindow").addClass("zoom-image-direction"); } else { $(".zoomWindow").removeClass("zoom-image-direction"); } }); }) </script> @endpush
Search for this -
$('img#pro-img').data('zoom-image', image.original_image_url).ezPlus(); and $('img#pro-img').data('zoom-image', $('img#pro-img').data('image')).ezPlus();
and replace them
if ($(window).width() > 580) { $('img#pro-img').data('zoom-image', image.original_image_url).ezPlus(); } and if ($(window).width() > 580) { $('img#pro-img').data('zoom-image', $('img#pro-img').data('image')).ezPlus(); }