Undefined index: sku Bulkupload
Hi there , i 've problems using the package found on :
https://github.com/bagisto/bagisto-bulk-uploadI've installed Bagisto (latests version) locally and everything seems to work perfectly. But when i want to upload a test file using the bulk upload , into an empty database Laravel comes up with the following SKU error
LOG.error: Undefined index: sku {"exception":{}}
Is there a problem with the .xls file ?
I've used unique test names for the SKU in the sheet . .. -
could you show the content of xls file?? -
Hi @Marco
we have never experienced such type of issue but in your case as shown in xls file, first cell value of sku column contain the captial letter which is not allowed as SKU is case sensitive , it does not contain any special character and capital letter.Thanks