How to change the base currency using code end?
Re: How can i change the base currency symbol on Admin Dashboard?
I followed through the steps from the mentioned topic but the base currency still remains USD
I've set it to INR in both the code file and the admin panel
to change the base currency go to the config/app.php and change CURRENCYthen run the command
php artisan config:cache -
I changed the currency and successfully run the command but the output does not change
it should be added in the locale as well.
could you check if INR is created in locales -
It has been created:
Also set as the default currency:
go to the .env file and add the APP_CURRENCY=INR then flush the cache. -
Done that, I'm still getting USD only
run the commands below if changes are not reflected.composer dump-autoload
php artisan config:cache -
It's done, Thank you!