how can I fill the DB with dummy data?
I created Categories in a seeder this way
And this is the Product seeder
public function run() { $faker = \Faker\Factory::create(); $product_repo = new \Webkul\Product\Repositories\ProductRepository( new AttributeRepository(new AttributeOptionRepository(app()), app()), new AttributeOptionRepository(app()), new ProductAttributeValueRepository(new AttributeRepository(new AttributeOptionRepository(app()), app()), app()), new ProductInventoryRepository(app()), new ProductImageRepository(app()), app() ); $product_inv_repo = new ProductInventoryRepository(app()); $categories = \App\Category::where('id', '!=', 1)->get()->pluck('id'); for ($i = 0; $i < 2500; $i++){ $product = $product_repo->create([ 'type' => 'simple', 'attribute_family_id' => 1, 'sku' => $faker->slug(2) ]); $product_repo->updateVariant([ 'sku' => $faker->uuid, 'name' => $faker->words(3, true), 'channel' => 'default', 'status' => 1, 'price' => rand(200, 90000), 'weight' => rand(200, 90000), 'locale' => 'en', 'url_key' => $faker->slug, 'new' => rand(0, 1), 'featured' => rand(0, 1), 'visible_individually' => 1, 'color' => rand(1, 3), 'size' => 5, 'short_description' => $faker->words(5, true), 'description' => $faker->words(45, true), 'meta_title' => $faker->words(2, true), 'meta_keywords' => implode(',', $faker->words(45)), 'meta_description' => $faker->words(45, true), ], $product->id); $product_repo->update( [ 'categories' => $categories [ rand(0, count($categories) - 1) ], ], $product->id, false, true ); $product_inv_repo->saveInventories([ 'inventories' => [ 1 => rand(10, 1000) ], ], $product); $product_repo->getProductImageRepository()->uploadImages([ 'images' => [ 'image_1' => $faker->image(), 'image_2' => $faker->image(), 'image_3' => $faker->image(), ], ], $product, true); ProductFlat::whereProductId($product->id) ->update([ 'url_key' => $faker->slug, 'new' => rand(0, 1), 'featured' => rand(0, 1), 'visible_individually' => 1, 'color' => rand(1, 3), 'size' => 5, 'channel' => 'default', 'locale' => 'en', 'short_description' => $faker->words(5, true), 'description' => $faker->words(45, true), 'meta_title' => $faker->words(2, true), 'meta_keywords' => implode(',', $faker->words(45)), 'meta_description' => $faker->words(45, true), ]); echo $i . PHP_EOL; } }
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@alkhachatryan said in how can I fill the DB with dummy data?:
$product_repo = new \Webkul\Product\Repositories\ProductRepository(
new AttributeRepository(new AttributeOptionRepository(app()), app()),
new AttributeOptionRepository(app()),
new ProductAttributeValueRepository(new AttributeRepository(new AttributeOptionRepository(app()), app()), app()),
new ProductInventoryRepository(app()),
new ProductImageRepository(app()),
Argument 2 passed to Webkul\Product\Repositories\ProductRepository::__construct() must be an instance of Illuminate\Container\Container, instan
ce of Webkul\Attribute\Repositories\AttributeOptionRepository given, called in D:\laragon\www\ecom\database\seeds\ProductSeeder.php on line 30 -
Hi @nikul,
Please check your arguments which you have passed in the constructor.
@nikul did you find a solution to this?
@devansh-webkul got the same issue can and I checked, everything is passed successfully any idea how to fix it?
Hi @yiara,
I am not getting this, what he is trying to do. I just answered the error which he caused.
If you want help then first elaborate on what you are trying to do and the implementation steps.
So that I can further check.
I tried the above steps to import dummy data in my database, I got the same issue as this
Argument 2 passed to Webkul\Product\Repositories\ProductRepository::__construct() must be an instance of Illuminate\Container\Container, instan ce of Webkul\Attribute\Repositories\AttributeOptionRepository given, called in D:\laragon\www\ecom\database\seeds\ProductSeeder.php on line 30
regardless that I checked the arguments I passed in the instructor and everything is fine
So your issue is resolved now.