Web sockets - pusher replacement - doesn't work
#laravel_echo -
could you please provide more detail about your query! -
Now I'm using web-sockets - pusher replacement in laravel - I have followed this steps https://beyondco.de/docs/laravel-websockets/basic-usage/pusher
But yet it tells me that Echo is not defined, However I have written its configuration in resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
It seems it doesn't read from this file.
Here's code written:import Echo from 'laravel-echo'
window.Pusher = require('pusher-js');
window.Echo = new Echo({
broadcaster: 'pusher',
key: process.env.MIX_PUSHER_APP_KEY,
cluster: process.env.MIX_PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER,
encrypted: true,
wsHost: window.location.hostname,
wsPort: 6001
}); -
Any help??
It's mandatory. -
I think compilation is missing did you compiled your code properly. Because I did not see anything wrong with your code.
@devansh-webkul I did, I ran 'npm run dev', 'npm run watch', still the same problem.
somehow it's not reading from that file 'resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js'. -
Just check if echo dependencies are installed or not this seems to be a configuration issue.
@devansh-webkul I have "laravel-echo" => "^1.10.0" & "pusher-js" => "^7.0.3" in my package.json file,
"pusher/pusher-php-server" => "^5.0" & "beyondcode/laravel-websockets" => "^1.12" in composer.json file.Is there anything else missing??
Your error clearly signifies that the echo is not defined. That means echo is not importing if something is not importing then either dependency issue or path issue.
@devansh-webkul Now error is resolved and read properly, however it's not listening correctly in front-end, backend is working fine. but in html page no rendering is happening when action is taking. it doesn't listen to the event fired in backend.