Trigger TinyMCE on modal open
How can I trigger tinyMCE to initialise upon opening a model in the admin?
You can make a component for body of modal. So, when this component called, initialise tinyMCE in its created or mounted method.
Like , You can see, we have a model, which have component -
<modal id="downloadDataGrid" :is-open="modalIds.downloadDataGrid"> <h3 slot="header">{{ __('') }}</h3> <div slot="body"> <export-form></export-form> </div> </modal>
When this <export-form></export-form> component gets called, we initialise TinyMCE.
<script> Vue.component('export-form', { template: '#export-form-template', mounted() { tinymce.init({ selector: 'textarea#description', height: 200, width: "100%", plugins: 'image imagetools media wordcount save fullscreen code', toolbar1: 'formatselect | bold italic strikethrough forecolor backcolor | link | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | numlist bullist outdent indent | removeformat | code', image_advtab: true }); }, methods: { onSubmit: function(e) {; this.$root.$set(this.$root.modalIds, 'downloadDataGrid', false); } } }); </script>