How to create new Controller in Packages/Webkul/Shop
I want to customize the theme and wanted to create a new controller in Packages/Webkul/Shop folder. please tell me the suitable answers
It has only the option to customize the existing controller. But I need to create my Own controller like a new controller.php file in the same location.
whenever I create a controller using php artisan then it creates the controller in Public folder but I want to create the Controller in Packages/Webkul/Shop.
Is it possibe? -
It is creating structure in this way. It is making 'Shop' folder inside controller
C:\xampp\htdocs\bagisto-real\packages/Webkul/Shop//src/Http/Controllers/Shop/ShopTestController.phpbut I want like this
C:\xampp\htdocs\bagisto-real\packages/Webkul/Shop//src/Http/Controllers/ShopTestController.phpis there any method to create controller in package?
Please check your namespace I guess something is missing in your namespace
Or you can copy any controller from the shop package and change the namespace of the controller accordingly -
My main need is to create a testcontroller in all the package folders like I want to create a controller in packages/Webkul/Shop//src/Http/Controllers/ShopTestController.php
any method like package make:controller???
Hi there,
Please use this command for the same.php artisan package:make-shop-controller ShopTestController ACME/TestPackage