Installation Windows 10
Hi! I am trying to install in the Windows 10 and I got this message:
Failed to extract bagisto/bagisto: (2) "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.EXE" x -bb0 -y C:\xampp\htdocs\vendor\composer\tmp-3c911f9976e0c69742e0dddf1b837922 -oC:\xampp\htdocs\vendor\composer\5e2ef40e
ERROR: Cannot create symbolic link : A required privilege is not held by the client. : C:\xampp\htdocs\vendor\composer\5e2ef40e\bagisto-bagisto-46b0f7c\bin\codecept
Thank you in advance for any advice.
Hi @alx
Can you please share the steps? which you are following? -
Hi @alx,
For windows, its looks like you have not setuped your XAMP properly. Kindly set your development environment first and then proceed with installing the Bagisto.