But hot to reflect the the special price on front-end? I need my customers to see the discount or mark the special price in same way. This is basic feature on e-commerce. tnx
both icons are different https://prnt.sc/v81phx , if you look into this icons at location
Hi @Zakir
currently, this is not possible to update the cart in real time but this can be customized, so feel free to clear your doubt with a support team at [email protected]
as like Quick view model shows mini cart information ?
@Zakir please go through the files packages\Webkul\Velocity\src\Resources\assets\js\UI\components\cart-list.vue and packages\Webkul\Velocity\src\Resources\assets\js\UI\components\modal.vue
These files will definitely work for you for pop up view.
Thank you
Hi @zainawan99
Yes, you can override both admin theme and shop theme using this way and this is also the best way and if you want to create a new theme kindly go through our documentation: https://devdocs.bagisto.com/1.x/themes/
Thanks, I had tried with adding button and used event same as used other text fields , unfortunately button refreshed paged and noting worked .. anyways will try to learn its flow first.
you can achieve this from the store configuration settings inside Admin configuration->catalog->product->store configuration (Here add the number as per your requirement inside per page field)